Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett

The Avengers: Scarlet WitchThe Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This book is so bad, it’s hilarious.
I understand the material is old (it’s stuff from the 70’s), it was a different time back then and comics are still not that kind towards women.
I recommend this only if you:

(a) Want to have every feminist bone in your body broken horribly
(b) Want to read a series of useless stories that defy common sense
(c) Want to see Wanda in a swimsuit
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Secret Origins Vol.2 by Brian Azzarello

Secret Origins Vol. 2 (The New 52)Secret Origins Vol. 2 by Brian Azzarello
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

It took me several days to read this tombstone. I am just going to do one line impressions of each story, ’cause I’ve had a long day and this is not worth it.

Chapter 1: In which the Stone family is introduced through some lame dialogue and DC screws up their own timeline while Victor deals with anger management issues.

Chapter 2: In which Bruce Wayne has a George Clooney chin but not the vinyl suit and Jason goes for ninja training to deal with anger management issues.
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Batman, Vol.1: The Court of Owls by Scott Snyder

Batman, Vol. 1: The Court of OwlsBatman, Vol. 1: The Court of Owls by Scott Snyder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In keeping with our buddyread theme, I’d say this one is like pancakes…the first two are really great, but by the fifth one you’re just wondering what you saw in it…

You know, for a long time, I never understood why Bats was called the greatest detective, because I’ve never actually seen him…detecting.
Never fear, Snyder is here to fix that problem! 
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Review: Deadpool Killustrated by Cullen Bunn

Deadpool KillustratedDeadpool Killustrated by Cullen Bunn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The other day my mother was commenting that I was the only teenager she knew who’d read classics of any sort. My sister rightly pointed out they were extremely difficult to read. I have to agree with her. It’s like attempting to swallow rock candy whole. First it gets stuck in your throat, then if you get it down, it lies about uneasily in your stomach.
Anyway, this book is what happens if you throw those two things together – when a knowledge of classics combines with a healthy dose of mischievousness, it deliciously explodes into Deadpool Killustrated.

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Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol.1 by Tom Taylor

Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1 by Tom Taylor

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual rating – 4.5 stars and a hell yeah.

I love this. Love this. Loooooooooooove this. It is, as my GR friend Kat likes to say, awesomesauce .

Honestly this book doesn’t need much advertisement. Even for those only slightly acquainted with pop culture and the DC world, the concept is intriguing – what if the superheroes we trusted turned to the dark side? (Or as I like to put it, how to turn Superman from a bland guy in tights to a believable feeling person who makes the wrong choices.)

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Review: Batman 3: Death of the Family by Scott Snyder

Batman 3: Death of the FamilyBatman 3: Death of the Family by Scott Snyder

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Um, before I start, Kat, Anne and everyone else…I’m sorry about the rating, but it didn’t work as well as I thought it would. *ducks flying bulldozer*

I knew you guys might say that. So I’ve come armed with good reasons. They’re right here! *pats pockets* Huh? I put them in here…somewhere…
*gets roundhoused by flying elephant*

I had ’em, I swear! *rubbing sore skull*


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Review: Hatsune Miku Graphics: Vocaloid Comic & Art Vol.2 by Comptiq

Hatsune Miku Graphics: Vocaloid Comic & Art Volume 2Hatsune Miku Graphics: Vocaloid Comic & Art Volume 2 by Comptiq

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I browsing through Netgalley titles and ran across this. Being a rabid Vocaloid fan, I didn’t waste any time downloading it. And it was a pretty neat find, all things considered.

For those who don’t know, Vocaloids are a voice synthesising software produced in – you guessed it – Japan. Basically you input the lyrics and melody of a song and a Vocaloid will sing it for you. Hatsune Miku, the girl with blue hair on the cover, is the most popular, so unsurprisingly, 98% of the graphics in here are hers.

The book can be divided into roughly three sections – two parts containing artist focused works separated by a poster collection and a last section with a few stories.

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Review: Orphan Blade by M. Nicholas Almand

Orphan BladeOrphan Blade by M. Nicholas Almand

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I downloaded Orphan Blade with a bunch of other graphic novels on a whim, just because they were available on Netgalley. Plus I’ve reading a bunch of graphic novels lately, so I thought I’d continue the streak.

Anyway, the book is difficult to rate since I have no idea what it really wants to be. I started off thinking it was middle-grade or aimed at early teens – the writing is simplistic and aiming for dramatic flair. Midway through, it turned into a real gore fest with a ton of body horror thrown in and I decided it must be for older readers. But the plot was unfolding as a typical quest for humanity story, as if the author decided to condense every anime he saw into 200 pages, so I went with middle grade again. But then, the book ended with the lead couple kissing and they were not a boy and a girl. So I was left with a book that wouldn’t fit into any slot or suit any reader.

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Review: Birds of Prey, Vo.1: End Run, by Gail Simone

Birds of Prey, Vol. 1: End RunBirds of Prey, Vol. 1: End Run by Gail Simone

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

CAUTION: This book is not meant to be taken seriously. At least, I don’t think it is. It’s pretty much laughing at itself as it goes. Either that, or it falls into the category of pompous books that think cheese is wine.

So the White Canary is back and mysteriously gets hold of everybody’s data. By that, I mean she knows what brand of toothpaste Bruce Wayne uses on Tuesdays.

Well, it’s not so mysterious how she got it. She tortured poor Savant into giving it and I guess Creote was just watching from the sidelines and eating popcorn.

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