Review: The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Volume 1: Getting the Band Back Together by Nick Spencer , Steve Lieber (Illustrations)

The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Volume 1: Getting the Band Back TogetherThe Superior Foes of Spider-Man Volume 1: Getting the Band Back Together by Nick Spencer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars



So I had to read this one, because every other word out of Jeff’s mouth is Sweaty Hippo Manboobs, and I needed to find out what the hell he was talking about.
Me: How you been lately, Jeff?
Jeff: Sweaty Hippo Manboobs!
Me: Read anything good lately?
Jeff: Sweaty Hippo Manboobs!
Me: Mrs. Jeff doing ok?
Me: She’s fine, thanks. Sweaty Hippo Manboobs!

And now I understand.
If you can’t read the text, suck it up and find the comic.
It’s worth it.

Alrighty, this one had been so hyped up to me that I actually had it for several days, before I got the courage to read it.
Unlike some people (Sara & Mike), I don’t actually enjoy destroying people’s lives with my podcast! Mainly, because I don’t have a podcast.
Kidding! I love these guys! Go check them out, but pay no attention to their opinion of my beloved Power Couple.

But back to the book at hand.
So, there I was, all scared to turn the pages…
And, at first?
I wasn’t wetting my pants the way I thought I would. But after a while, I noticed that I was letting out these little chuckles. All the time.
Every page, a new giggle.
So, no, I wasn’t folded over praying my bladder held up, but I was constantly grinning.
There may have been several real snort-guffaws that came out of me, but those were tempered by the ladylike smile that was plastered on my face.
So…those don’t count.
I thought this was going to be something so in-your-face funny, but it turned out to be (for me) something more subtle than I was expecting.
There’s an actual story that goes along with all the puns!
And it was so good!

Fred Meyers is Boomerang.
Did you know that? Cause off the top of my head, I had no idea.
I didn’t even know the guy’s real name, much less want to read a title told from his perspective.
In case you were wondering, he’s an ass.
Fred’s the guy who blames all of his problems on someone else.
He’s a whiner, a loser, a horrible friend, and an even worse partner.
But by the end of this, I just couldn’t get enough of him!
And it wasn’t just Boomerang that makes Superior Foes worth it.
The entire cast of D-list villains were so well written!
And when Luke Cage and Iron Fist show up? Hilarious!

The plot rests on a heist job with the Sinister Six.
Ok, there’s only Five of them, but that lends them an air of mystery.
That sixth villain could be anyone!
That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it…
The heist itself was much more twisty-turny than I was originally anticipating, and the fact that it had several good GOTCHA! moments to it, was an unexpected bonus for me.

Highly Recommended!

View all my reviews

Review: Savage Wolverine, Vol. 1: Kill Island


Words and pictures:  Frank Cho

Four stars


Special Guest Star: The Incredible Hulk! Shallow reader squee!!

Spectacular! Fantastic! Beyond belief!

See: Wolverine go berserk and slice and dice his way through the Savage Land natives.

Thrill: As Hulk pounds giant gorillas into jelly

Marvel: At how many times Wolverine gets his butt handed to him by dinosaurs. Kids, it’s a good thing he has a healing factor!

Swoon: At Sheena, the She-Devil and pages of scantily clad native women

Laugh: At Amadeus Cho, as he sets himself up as a god to the natives. Oh, that Amadeus!

Chuckle: At the banter between Wolverine and Sheena, the scantily clad She-Devil. You tell him, Sheena!

Mourn: For Jeff’s brain, as it turns to mush from reading too many comics.

Sheena, the She-Devil

Hey!  You there in Duluth!  Buckle your pants up!!