Review: Run Like Hell

Run Like Hell OgnRun Like Hell Ogn by Jeff Dixon

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Run Like Hell was a great recommend from my boy, Gavin. This book is off the chain, grindhouse ridiculousness. Unique among the stuff I’ve read, Jeff Dixon comes up with an original tale that follows Louis Rockwell’s attempt to escape from Hell. If he doesn’t make it out he’s gonna end up in Personal Hell’s Prison, where you’re forced to repeat your worst nightmare over and over. Guess he shouldn’t have ticked off the “big guy”. Of course Chad, the Dark Lord’s assistant, isn’t about to just let him leave and so the chase is on. Louis also ends up in some pretty funny places while trying to elude the Devil’s minions. Pet Peeve Point is probably my favorite. Every little thing that has ever annoyed the shit out of you can be found here. Reality TV, drunken frat boys, gum on the sidewalk, people on cellphones, pan-handlers, and John Tesh fans just to name a few.

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