Review: Letter 44 Volume 1 by Charles Soule, Alberto Alburquerque

Letter 44 Volume 1: Escape VelocityLetter 44 Volume 1: Escape Velocity by Charles Soule

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Short review: great book. Don’t let this linger on your shelf like I did, you’ll regret it.

The longer this story unfolds, the more tense and dramatic it becomes. I’m finding myself genuinely surprised at this – I’ve read a couple of other Soule joints and this level of control, of depth of research, wasn’t hinted at in his previous works. While interesting stories, the only surprises I felt during Strongman were at his adherence to old school Latin self-sacrificing hero dialogue. Whereas here I was surprised by the intrigues, the unexpected plot developments, and the layers to the characters.

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Review: Pretty Deadly Vol. 1 The Shrike, by Kelly Sue DeConnick

Pretty Deadly, Vol. 1: The ShrikePretty Deadly, Vol. 1: The Shrike by Kelly Sue DeConnick
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

OK, seriously…what the fuck was that?

“So Ms. DeConnick, what exactly were you hoping to accomplish here? Did you have a plot or plan for this to make more sense? Was there a reason for things?”

“I see. Butterfly and a dead bunny? Care to elaborate on the symbolism you’ve used here for our narrator(s)?”


“So…that’s a no then? MMMkay. Moving right along…can you explain to us the origins of Johnny Coyote and how he fits in with Big Alice, Ginny, Sissy, and Death?”


“OK. Sorry…guess it’s a secret. Do you plan to continue the series in the same manner with no character development, but lots of intense fight scenes?”


“Ah. Indeed. So pretty much you’re just wingin’ it and letting Rios’ art carry your random musings?”


“Swell. It’s been a pleasure. All the best in your future endeavors.”


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