Review: Elektra, Vol. 1: Bloodlines by W. Haden Blackman

Elektra, Vol. 1: BloodlinesElektra, Vol. 1: Bloodlines by W. Haden Blackman

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Shallow Comics buddy read this week is RED. Because we’re lazy, and it’s fairly easy to find a superhero whose got some sort of red on ’em…somewhere.


If you like all that woo-woo-spiritual-fucknut-ninja shit, then maybe this will be a dream come true for you.
Personally, I thought this was another crap story along the lines of (but not nearly as horrible as) Elektra: Assassin. If you liked Frank Miller’s take on this character, then you’ll enjoy Bloodlines.
Otherwise, stay away.
Elektra as a narrator is just…Pbbbt
She’s looking back on what ‘might have been’, lamenting her lost mother, lost father, lost boyfriend, and lost life.
All while taking on a job to find the world’s most wily mercenary.
It’s supposed to give a glimpse inside to what motivates her…I think.
Say hello to the World’s Most Depressing Assassin!
I get it, you had a nice thing going with Daredevil, and along comes Bullseye with the stabby-stabby to ruin it all.
But here’s the thing: Get excited, lady, ’cause you’re not dead!
I’m pretty sure you could head on over to the East Coast and catch up with Matt, if you really wanted to.
But you don’t. Because then you couldn’t moan and groan about your bullshit for issue after issue, all while slicing and dicing other wacko ninjas.

I don’t enjoy What’s the Meaning of My Depressing Life stories.
It’s a personal preference, so you may think this is the bees knees.

The art, on the other hand, was absolutely lovely!


If I could rate it simply on the art and colors? 5 stars…easy.


Too bad it had such a draggy go-nowhere plot, because it’s a visually stunning graphic novel.

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